Modernization is all about updating and upgrading elevators.
Gearless Elevator Machine
A gearless elevator serves to build of any given height with speeds typically between 150 and 2000 feet per minute. The lift ropes pass over a traction drive sheaves, which is essential with the armature on the gearless machine. Another type of buffer is oil buffer which more commonly found on traction elevators with speeds higher than 200 feet per minute.
Direct Current type of gearless machines has been there in the market for over hundred years and is very strong. If properly maintained, they will last long up to many years and replacement is usually warranted if the part’s elimination is a threat for continued use. While considering a modernization we normally hold these machines and repair them. Restoration can incorporate commuters being turned an undercut, brush holders replaced, coils tested and dressed, bearing replaced, brakes cleaned.
The AC form of gearless machines is a newer technology that has been installed recently in the USA. The use of gearless machine has risen up recently due to its popularity since 2007. These are lighter AC machines in comparison to large DC brothers and with time you will come to know whether they will be strong. It is likely that these will be replaced while considering modernization of MRL elevators.
There are situations when the current gearless DC machine needs to be changed by a new AC gearless machine. It is supported by a new drive system and needs refurbishment of the elevator. In few cases, this modernization lets the use of a smaller machine, while maintaining the excellent performance and high speeds of a gearless application.
We Provide Gearless Elevator In Mumbai, Gearless Elevator In Pune, Gearless Elevator In Delhi etc for more please check our location or for upgradation & modernization of elevators dial 1800 2677 901.

Advantages of DC to AC machines
- Uses extremely less energy.
- The system that maintains cleanliness removes airborne pollutants found in carbon dust.
- Reduces matter, for a smaller carbon footprint.
- Heat contraction related to AC engine reduces the air conditioning needed to cool equipment.
- Requires low maintenance.

Partner with the best for your Vertical Transportation Needs.
Reusing existing gearless elevator machine
In certain applications, due to the location of the gearless elevator machine, it is possible and cost-effective to replace the DC with a new AC machine. To get the benefit of a new control and digital DC drives that is adaptable with the existing DC gearless machines. This kind of modernization removes the need for a motor generator and permits for a digital drive, which gives better performance and managing capacity. It also decreases energy usage. Gearless traction elevators are able to move at speed up to 2000 feet per minute which lets them become the perfect choice for high rising buildings. Initially being expensive, gearless traction elevators functions much more proficiently than other designs which enact as a brilliant investment. Gearless elevators are in more demand these days due to its popularity for mid rising buildings. They are energy efficient, need less space and they are reliable.

Ac coexisting permanent magnet design.
Brushless- no brushes for maintenance
Machine traction sheave, track, and encoder provided
Rugged cast iron frame with heavy duty components